Executive Coaching to Build a Leadership Culture
so Employees Thrive at Work and Home.

Emotional Intelligence | Relational Intelligence | Story Intelligence | Syntered Leadership

Emotional Intelligence

Relational Intelligence

Story Intelligence

Syntered Leadership

Build a Culture Your Employees Thrive in

Finding alignment of being and doing they love waking up to.

Building sustainable rhythms for work and home.

Master interpersonal work relationships and conflicts.

Become the leader your people love working for.

Story intelligence that will transform how you interact with your team, clients and family.

Emotional, Relational & Spiritual Awareness that will awaken your soul.

“Corporations believe that coaching helps keep employees and that the dollar investment in it is far less than the cost of replacing an employee.”

David A. Thomas Fitzhugh

Professor of Business Administration Harvard Business School

SynterPoint Offers The Following Services

6-month and 12-month executive coaching engagement

1 & 2-day team coaching programs

Leadership Assessment & Development

Couples Retreats

Leadership and Culture Coaching will Produce:

Renewed Creativity

Team collaboration and productivity

Unleashed engagement and contribution

Employee and corporate value and mission alignment

Feedback We’ve Received That You’re Sure to Experience:

“Uniquely gifted and qualified”

“Immensely helpful and fruitful in my development”

“Extraordinary listener” 

“Highly attentive”

“Great insight and compassion”

“Trustworthy and discerning”